‘Tavern Island’ Opens

A road scheme to try to alleviate peak time traffic delays through our village has been completed today.

After initially being delayed for six months due to a planning oversight, work by Nottinghamshire County Council to convert the busy Clifton Road/Wilford Road T-Junction into a mini-roundabout finally began on the 9th of January. The last cones were removed and the final road closure lifted just after lunchtime today. Normal bus services have restarted on Nottingham City Transport‘s Navy 3 service whilst the LocalLink L22 & LocalLink L23 buses run by Nottingham Community Transport will resume tomorrow (Thursday 2nd).

The completion of the work, assisted by glorious sunshine, will come as a relief to residents, businesses and commuters alike – who’ve been suffering long delays at peak times due to the introduction of 3-way temporary traffic lights over the past two and a half weeks. For the final three days the roads were closed completely during daytimes – meaning long diversions for motorists and the re-routing of key bus services away from our village.

After a Twitter poll on @RUDDINGTON_info the clear winner of our unofficial NAME for the new roundabout was “TAVERN ISLAND” in honour of The Victoria Tavern pub – which sits right next to the new look Wilford Road/Clifton Road junction.

Its construction was funded by Bellway Homes as part of their Section 106 agreement for being granted planning permission for their new housing development along Pasture Lane. Only time will tell whether the new roundabout has the desired effect of reducing peak time traffic hold-ups through Ruddington but, with thousands more new homes planned in and around our area, the current benefits may be short-lived.

And there’ll be more motoring misery soon when Flawforth Lane out of the village is closed for seven weeks for further highways improvement work there.

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